Campus Abend: Competencies in a Global Context | 22.11.'16 | 17 Uhr | HS Rose, Gebäude D, DHBW VS

Campus Abend: Competencies in a Global Context | 22.11.'16 | 17 Uhr | HS Rose, Gebäude D, DHBW VS

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Logo Campus AbendCompetencies in a Global Context

Complex Environments, Multinational Strategies and Your Professional Competencies

Competencies are traditionally developed functionally (i.e. academic discipline or professional or occupational skills, capabilities and perspectives) in higher educational institutions. That is, most people major in a functionality. Finally, more and more institutions have come to realize that functional generalities can gain much from industry settings and experience. What are the competitive realities and institutional expectations of the financial service industry, of the automotive industry, of the petroleum industry, and others and how can a young professional gain an introductory experience in these industries?  The presentation concludes with a review of: complexity - in the global environment, challenges – related to building on competence areas you are uncomfortable with and choices – how does the school selected, program and courses chosen, internship engagement level, openness to far flung opportunities impact a student’s long term career success?

The format is open discussion with an expectation that the audience will become involved in the presentation.

Der Campus Abend findet auf Englisch statt.
Referent: Allen D. Engle, Sr.

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